Saturday, May 21, 2016

Game of Thrones 6.02: "Home"

This weeks dedication is...
Dolorous Edd
For being a loyal friend, and bringing the wildlings to save the day:

That's right folks, Doloures Edd is a badass.

Let's get into it.

The North

Beyond The Wall
Bran and The Three Eyed Raven
Bran watching his family during a time
when they were young, and happy.
We are at a very  busy Winterfell, and see a scene from the past with two young boys sparring, and it's Ned! It is bright, and the yard is bustling, which is unusual for the North, but it shows that this was a happier time. He is sparring with a young Benjen, and Ser Rodrik is training them. Bran and The Three Eyed Raven are standing and watching them in a position similar to Cat and Ned's in 1.01. I love that we see this:
Ned training Benjen, and telling him
to keep his shield up
and then I remember this:
Jon training Olly, and telling him 
to keep his shield up. (5.01)
I am beyond happy, because this was such a nice touch, because even if Jon is aTargaryen, Ned will always be his father. A girl on a white horse comes riding into the keep and it's Lyanna! She is exactly as I pictured her from the books. She had long brown hair, a wild, natural beauty, and galloping her white horse (a nice touch) in circles around her two brothers.
Lyanna Stark
Lyanna loved riding, and apparently used to go on long rides with Brandon, which is why they have her riding into the keep, with such confidence.  Ned tells her to stop showing off, and she hops down, and we see a young Hodor! His name is Willas, and Lyanna volunteers him as a sparring partner for a young Benjen. I can not tell you how much I loved this scene, it was perfection. Ned was right when he said that Arya is a lot like her, because galloping around on your horse all afternoon is hardly ladylike behavior.
Benjen, Ned,and Lyanna looking at Willas/Hodor
Bran "moves" to the courtyard, and is surprised to see Hodor talking, and is mesmerized, when looking at his aunt, because Ned never spoke of her.  Old Nan (who is not so old) drags Willas/Hodor inside, to the sounds of Ned yelling that with all that giants blood, he'd make a great fighter. Old Nan says he's a stable boy, and he will always be one.

The Three Eyed Raven
Bran is pulled out of the vision by The Three Eyed Raven (TTER), and we see him on the ground of the cave, near the roots of his tree/body. He is angry because he has finally seen something interesting and he pulled him out of it. TTER warns Bran that when you stay in the past too long, you are lost forever.

Bran and Meera
Hodor carries Bran outside, and lays him down on a sexy, side pose, which is for Meera. He tells her that its dangerous, and Meera doesn't care, and who can blame her? Her brother was killed by whatever those HBO versions of some other type of Wights were, and she is bored out of her mind. It has probably been a year, I think more, because Fat Walda has just had her baby, and at least six months passed prior to those nine months. Bran is really excited and tells her about his vision, and Meera is annoyed because nothing is actionable. He also tells her that a war is coming, and Meera is still very unhappy. Hodor picks up Bran and returns inside the cave.

Book Meera explores the hundreds of tunnels in the cave with Book Jojen, so at least they are exploring and doing something. I don't think HBO Meera has been dong anything, which is why she is so depressed.

The child of the forest, who actually looks like one this season, tells her that Bran is going to need her, as soon they will be leaving the cave. Meera looks at her, and turns to gaze at a beautiful sunset over the never-ending land of winter.

The Wall

Team Jon

We return to the Wall, where we see many brothers holding crossbows aimed towards the door. 
Allser, Olly and a few other brothers have made good on their promise, and have arrived at their door. 
Davos says the line from the trailer regarding his fighting abilities, grabs Longclaw, and Team Jon and Ghost, wait for them to break through the door.  
Ghost could take out all of those men on his own, and he would, because he is protecting Jon. They are trying to break down the door, Ghost is ready, and as we see a the hole getting larger...and we hear Wun Wun!! Edd has found the wildlings and brought them, with Tormund leading the way, through the Wall. 

Alliser, Olly and two characters from the book who had no roles on the show, are fighting. The men of the NW are holding crossbows, and only one shoots Wun Wun, who in turn grabs him, and smashes him against a wall. Tormund races in and kills a brother or two, until they all surrender, as Ser Alliser calls they all cowards. Dolourus Edd, our hero walks up to Ser Alliser, who accuses him of being a traitor, and that for 1,000 years the Wall had never fallen, and Tormund adds "until now."
I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner, because they have killed two Lord Commanders, in what I'm guessing, in at least two years? 
"The only traitors here are the ones
who shoved their knives into their
Lord Commander's heart."
Alliser and a very angry Olly are dragged away with a few others to the ice cells.


The Boltons, are having a conversation about Sansa, and the strategy about how to maintain their position in the North. A Karstark, whose name I can't remember, is also there for this announcement. I am not sure which one he is, but they did turn from Stannis to the Boltons in the book, because Book Jon sends Stannis a letter warning him of their treachery.

Roose: You still do not have Sansa, which remains a problem because we will never be able to fight the Lannisters. What happened to your best men finding Sansa?  (which is still confusing because the only reason Roose would want to fight the Lannisters, is to become King of the North, unless I am missing something) Where is she?

Ramsay: She will be going to the Wall, and protected by her brother, Lord Commander Jon Snow. Everyone knows they have barely any men, and I can easily take them from the south, and kill Jon Snow.

Roose: Have you lost your mind? The North will never rally to our side, if we attack them, let alone kill Ned Starks bastard son. The Wall remains one of their oldest traditions, you fool.

Ramsay: Who cares? The Umbers, Karstarks, the Manderlys (I hope and pray, that they ,and the Umbers are playing him) want new blood in the North.

Roose: The Starks ARE the North, and to remain the Warden of the North, we can't kill the Lord Commander. "If you have a reputation as a mad dog, you will be treated as a mad dog. Taken out back and slaughtered for pigs feed."

The Maester shows up and announces that Roose has a son, and adds in "rosy cheeked", just so we all know that that the child is healthy, and Ramsay will kill that baby. You can see Ramsay's eyes are bulging, which means the sadistic monster is about to do just that, except as Roose says "that he will always he his first born", Ramsay hugs him and stabs him to death. It is poetic justice for he is the one who ran the sword through Robb and killed him.

The Maester looks terrified, and Ramsay tells him to send ravens announcing that their enemies have positioned his father. Karstark gives the Maester some attitude when he hesitates, and tells him to listen to his lord and follow orders.
I AM Lord Bolton
The final scene, which was not surprising, was  Ramsay luring Walda and the baby outside. He leads them to the kennel, where his dogs attack and kill them. Why she followed him, with his reputation? I will never know, but she never appeared to be the sharpest tool in the shed. Well, at least we were spared watching this horrifying event, because you never know with this show.

The Fugitives
Sansa and Brienne
Brienne and Sansa catching up

Sansa and Brienne are talking about Arya, and Brienne did not tell her that she was with the Hound. She did say that she looked good, but was not dressed like a lady. Sansa agrees, and when Brienne asks about Ramsay, Sansa's silence says it all. They decide that they will go to the Wall, and seek asylum with Jon. But has anyone actually made it there yet?
  • Bran is past the Wall, but told Sam not to tell Jon. HBO Sam, unlike Book Sam,  told Jon when he returned from being with the Wildlings. 
  • Arya will never go to the Wall.
  • Will Sansa get there? It remains to be seen.
Sansa and Theon
Pod is trying to make a fire, as Theon watches fearfully, because he is afraid Ramsay's men will find them. Sansa has obviously forgiven Theon because he rescued and saved her life and I still find it difficult to believe her turnaround. If you recall, (as if we could forget), she was held captive, raped on a regular basis, and he betrayed her by telling Ramsay about the candle. It was an act, which as we know, cost that old servant woman to be whipped and skinned to death. However, we are off book and Jeyne Poole, the girl who was playing a fake Arya, and whom HBO Sansa has replaced, was sent to Jon, in the blizzard,  because he was looking for her. 

HBO Sansa tells him that he must come to the Wall, but Theon knows that Jon will kill him, for his betrayal of their family. I know that he would do that, even before he was murdered by his men. Sansa says that she will tell him about Bran and Rickon, and Theon wants no forgiveness for his sins. Sansa hugs him good-bye, and Theon is on his way home, Pike, not Winterfell, people. 

Kings Landing

Jaime and Tommen

A lovely conversation between Uncle Jaime, and his nephew/son Tommen, take place over his sister's dead body. I sincerely hope we do not have to hear some unbelievable confession, ala Myrcella, from Tommen, EVER. Tommen is upset, and feels bad that he hasn't gone to see his mother since her walk of atonement. He tells Jamie that the High Sparrow would imprison her, if she entered the sept. Jaime tells him to go see his mother, and ask for her forgiveness, and all would be well. Tommen also assumes that Cersei killed Trystane and  Jaime says "She would never do such a thing!" I have no idea where they are going w/HBO Jaime, because Book Jaime is not this clueless about his darling sister.

Jaime vs. The High Sparrow
The High Sparrow shows up to give his sympathies to Jaime and Tommen. Uncle Jaime tells Tommen "go see your mother"; so much for being all grown up. 
Be a good boy Tommen,and go see your mother
Jaime confronts the High Sparrow about how he humiliated crazy Cersei, and we listen to the usual she had to repent for her sins speech. I swear this guy and his speeches about sin, is as bad as Dany as with repeating her titles as a show of power.

Jaime, who shows just a shade of Book Jaime says:

"What about my sins? I killed my own king and my own cousin..", as he grabs the hilt of his knife, not his sword, which we know he can't use very well. I assume Jaime has been practicing with Bronn, who seems to have disappeared, off camera?

The High Sparrow looks at the knife: "You would spill blood in this holy place? 
Jaime: "The gods won't mind, they've spilled more blood than the rest of us combined."

The Faith Militant shows up, out of the shadows with their clubs in their hands, and Jaime, looks a bit nervous. The High Sparrow, realizing that he has an audience, says that he knows Jaime would kill him, before this group of thugs could kill Jaime. He fears death, and yet he doesn't even flinch at the thought of dying right there, in the sept. He tells Jaime they have nothing, came from nothing, and "together they can overthrow an empire."  

Nothing like a religious zealot
seeking world domination
First, when did Westeros become an empire? It is not one, so this is one of those grand proclamations that sound great in the trailer, and make no sense whatsoever.  Dany, is an expert at these proclamations, as we know from her "break the wheel" speech in 5.08.  I, being a book reader, thought maybe he is referring to the Taragaryens? The Faith Militant, and other orders who were also religious fanatics, never stopped fighting, even as they were burned by dragons over and over again. I said this last season, but there's a reason why the Targaryens disbanded them.

We briefly go to the streets of Kings Landing where we see an example of the power of Ser Robert Strong, as he crushes the skull of a common man insulting Cersei.

Cerse who is doing this strange thing of pulling threads from the sleeve of her gown, is ready to go to Myrcella's funeral. 
I felt sorry for her, which is something that I would never feel for Book Cersei, because the Lannister soldiers stop her, even with Ser Robert Strong, standing behind her. She asks to see Tommen, and they say that he has already left for the sept. All I could think was go Tommen! He was finally standing up to mommy, and realizing that she is the reason that  his beloved Margaery was in jail. 
Then Lannister soldiers 
Cersei was shocked! She could not believe that her baby boy would prevent her from seeing Myrcella. Surprisingly she doesn't fight them, and returns inside to stare out at her magnificent view, and most likely a drink a few goblets of wine.  

Cersei and Tommen

Tommen arrives at the Red Keep to see Cersei, and she is making it clear that she is unhappy with her darling teenager for keeping away from Myrcella's funeral. It looked more like a viewing for the family, because there was no one else there but Jaime and Tommen. She asks what color Myrcella's dress was, and alas, it was gold, thus playing into her belief that the prophecy is coming true. 

Unfortunately, Tommen is a grave disappointment because he apologizes to his mother, and asks that she help him become strong. Crazy Cersei, who set loose the religious fanatics in the city, is the perfect person to teach a king to become powerful. My advice would be to find Uncle Kevan, sit on the council, and ask Uncle Jaime to teach you how to use a sword, lance, and actually learn to become a soldier. But Cersei is happy, and as her eyes well up, she hugs Tommen. 


Tyrion and Varys
Team Dany discussing how to fix Dany's mess
Tyrion, Varys, and the boring Missandei and Grey Worm, are discussing strategy and the dragons. Varys gives an update on what is happening in Astapor, Quarth, Yunkai and even Volantis! I had no idea that Volantis had overturned slavery, as it was alive and kicking when when Tyrion and Varys walked on the bridge into the city. We also had that stare by a random red priestess at Tyrion, which was supposed to mean something, but meant nothing.

The "let's free the slaves and start civil wars tour" is continuing, as slavery has returned to the aforementioned cities, and Tyrion asks about the status of the dragons. Missandei says that they are no longer eating, to which I ask, who was feeding them before? Dany wasn't because they were less than thrilled when she showed up in 5.01. Book Dany was having them fed a wide variety of healthy livestock, and since they were feral, she had to leave them chained up because she had no idea who or  what they were going to eat. Tyrion points out, what we book readers already knew, that dragons do not do well chained up, and it stunts their growth. However, Rhaegal and Viserys have had a very large home, and grown to be quite large, but not as large as big brother Drogon. He asks Missandei if the dragons have ever tried to hurt her, she says no. Has anyone seen her entering the tombs? Is she the mysterious person who feeds the dragons, when Dany doesn't give them a Master to eat?

Tyrion decides that they won't hurt Dany's friends, and that he, as their friend, is going to unchain them. Varys, asks "do they know that?"

Tyrion, Rhaegal, and Viserion

WOW, what a great scene, as Peter Dinklage was at his finest as he spoke to the dragons, and released their chains.  These dragons are truly gorgeous, and it was brilliant to see the light in one of their throats. We, book readers start thinking about Quentyn, but know that Tyrion is not going to die. 

Tyrion and Varys arrive at the tombs, and Varys waits at the opening, and watches Tyrion go and try no to be burnt. He tells a story, straight from the books about a time when he begged his uncle for a dragon, that would be "..little, like me", and how he cried when he discovered that they had been dead for over 100 years. However as he tells this story, he pulls the pin out of one of the dragon's collar, and the other, bends down and turns his neck, and Tyrion pulls the pin out of his collar. 

 They retreat back to their room. Tyrion races out and tells Varys that the next time he has such a bad idea, to punch him in the face. But they leave the door open! 

Could this be proof that Tyrion is also a Targaryen? I am not ready to buy into this theory, but I don't think that it has been alluded to on the show. We saw during the  The Dance of The Dragons, you do not have to be a Targaryen to ride one, and the bond between rider and dragon is still a mystery. 



Our girl is still begging on the streets of Braavos, when the waif returns for another session of beating the crap out of her with a stick. The waif leaves and as Arya is screaming and swinging her stick around, Jaqen stops it. He asks her a few questions, that reminiscent from the book, when the kindly man tells Arya that she can leave at certain strategic moments in her training, and she always says NO.  

Jaqen says that she can return home, and have food, clean clothes and a place to sleep, which is a trick to see how she answers his tempting offers. She answers "a girl has no name", without skipping a beat. Jaqen is satisfied, and as Arya uses the stick to go down the steps and grabs her bowl, Jaqen says "the girl is a beggar no more"


Asha and Balon
"What is dead may never die'

Asha is discussing the state of their attempt to expand onto land. They have lost Deepwood Motte, and she wants to use their strength at sea, rather than on land. She uses the loss of her brothers to their rebellion eight years ago, as support for this move. Balon, who looks greasy and dirty, blames her for the loss, because she was trying to rescue his no good son, Theon. Asha's having none of it, and Balon says too bad, and if she doesn't want to follow orders, he will go find himself another heir, and leaves the room. 

The Murder of Balon Greyjoy
Book Balon, is supposedly pushed off the tenuous bridge between castles by his brother, Euron Greyjoy. The official story is that he had fallen off this bridge, but the rumor is that Euron a hired a Faceless Man to do the job.

HBO Balon is crossing the rope bridge in the pouring rain, and Euron, who is hidden in the darkness, and sadly does not seem to have an eye patch, reveals that he has come to take the throne. He calls himself a god, which tracks with his character in the books.
"I am the Drowned God"
We learn some background about Euron, which does reflect Book Euron, who cut out the tongues of his crew after he freaked out during a storm. It is why his ship is called the Silence in the books. He is known for his travels through the southern isles, and the Smoking Sea, into Valyria, and even Asshai. His travels give him a reputation for dabbling in all kinds of dark magic, and his lips are blue, as a result of drinking shade of the evening.  He has also acquired quite a large treasure chest of jewels and most exciting, a dragon horn.

Asha and Damphair

The next time we see Asha, she is part of the ritual of sending her father's body out to sea. She declares to her uncle, Damphair, that she will avenge her father and swears by the Salt Chair. Uncle Damphair, says not so fast, you have no right to swear by any chair, and she cannot claim the throne for herself. Asha informs him that her father wanted her as his heir, and her uncle says too bad, and  we are finally getting the Kingsmoot.

and back to the Wall....

Davos and Melisandre

Mel is looking into the fire and apparently not seeing any new visions. Mel, is back to her beautiful self, and Davos arrives to request that she resurrect Jon. This was a decision that is never made clear, as Jon and Davos only had one serious interaction, and they did not have a relationship.  The writers could have added one line, about the reason being that the dead were coming, and Jon would be able to lead an alliance of wildlings and the NW.

Mel says that R'hllor has forsaken her, and I still don't feel sorry for her. She made all of those sacrifices, which if you recall, also created a huge problem, as it shrank Stannis' army. Is it any wonder the man had to buy sellswords? Davos reminds her that he has seen her do the impossible, i.e. the shadow baby and drink poison. She recalls that a priest, (Thoros of Myr) had done it, but he was not a diehard follower of the Red God, and she had no idea how he did it. I remember this meeting, because Thoros said that he only knew that he just wanted his friend back. It is also when Arya adds Mel's to her name to the kill list, from which her name has mysteriously disappeared.

Davos says screw the gods, and she needs to suck it up and do it. Mel agrees and the next time we see her is in the room with Team Jon.

Team Jon and Melisandre
Team Jon, which now includes Tormund, and a sleeping Ghost, who looks almost dead. Melisandre washes Jon, who as Tormund had noticed earlier, was stabbed by a lot of knives, so there is a lot of blood.  It takes a while for her to wipe him clean and we see the killing blow, next to his heart, courtesy of Olly. 

She starts chanting in what I believe is High Valyrian, and slowly washes Jon's hair, which I found to be oddly intimate. She cuts a few strands from his head, and his beard, and throws them into a fire. She puts her hands on his chest and chants some kind of spell a few times.  Jon remains dead, so she turns around and gives everyone a forlorn look. 
Tormund stomps out, followed by the rest of Team Jon, with Davos being the last one to leave the room. 

But I, knowing that Jon is not a warg, but he still has a connection with Ghost, knows that we need to watch Ghost because he will know.....
Ghost is fast asleep..
He lifts his head and.....
then Jon wakes up! And my boy is back,
but he looks TERRIFIED.
Number of Theories proven:
1) Melisandre is 400 years old
2) Book Mel will bring back Jon.
caveat: It has not been proven yet, but before he died, Book Jon had begun to feel almost one, with Ghost. The last word he whispers is "Ghost", so he will more than  likely warg into Ghost, before he returns to his body. 

That's it folks, see you for 6.03!

*All images and quotes are owned by HBO, "Game of Thrones" 6.02

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Game of Thrones 6.01: "The Red Woman"

Before I begin....
We are entering new territory this season and to be honest, it's nice not to dread the death of another character for an entire season. We will get answers, some potential spoilers,  and some actual ones, ie. the finale. But the book has about 2000 pages to get there, so the path will be so different, and for me, I will not entirely accept it, until it is on the page.

However, per the trailers it seems that the writers will be taking events from the book, and merging them together, ie. Hardhome, this season. The book, as well as book knowledge remains relevant, as per casting news, they may be taking story lines from the books into this season, as well as some TWOW chapters. So, I have changed the format, with a countdown of  proven theories proven, and some speculation as well.

We're back!
What an episode it was, an, old theory was proven, Dorne remains the worse part of the show, and yet it prevails. Ghost was back!, Davos is awesome, and still doesn't know Mel burned Shireen at the stake, Sansa didn't get hypothermia and die, Arya is learning how to use her weapons,  and Cersei is mourning Myrcella with Jaime.

This week's dedication:
Brienne of Tarth
Who came out of nowhere, and beat the crap out of Ramsay's men and saved Sansa and Theon.
Brienne swearing fealty to Sansa
She also has finally fulfilled one of her vows to Cat, AND Jaime.

Let's get into it.

The North

The Wall

Ser Davos, Team Jon, and The Nights Watch

Oh, my poor boy, all bloody, and very dead, in the cold, is found by Ser Davos. I was really heartbroken listening to poor Ghost in the darkness, and upon my third watch realized that Davos heard Ghost, and that was why he went outside. I have no idea where the wildlings are, because it is eerily quiet.

Edd shows up, shocked, and helps carry Jon into a room, and along with Ghost, (who Edd set free), and is no longer confused that Sam is Jon, is protecting Jon's body.  Edd is devastated, and he really stepped up this episode. He may have disagreed with Jon about Hardhome, but he went, because he will always follow Jon to the ends of the earth.

Davos has taken charge, and preparing for the inevitable attack by the remainder of the NW. He asks Edd who he can trust, and he says the men in the room. Davos says, you know who we need, and Edd goes to find Tormund and the wildlings.

Mel also swings by, and says that she saw Jon at Winterfell, and she misinterpreted all of her visions. I found this odd, because somehow between Stannis' camp and the Wall, she suddenly had this new vision. Did she see visions in her camp fire? We have no idea, but she leaves, despondent, and returns to her chambers.


Let's make a quick visit to the meeting, where the news of Jon's death has been announced. Ser Alliser has taken no time donning the mantle of the Lord Commander.

Ser Alliser: Brothers, the Lord Commander is dead.

The NW: Wait, what?

Ser Alliser: I killed him, with Olly, whose only job in Season 5, was to kill Lord Snow, and a few other brothers. He was a traitor, who was destroying the NW by bringing the wildlings into the fold.

The NW: You murdered the Lord Commander for being a traitor? We understand, you were defending us from the wildlings, who are suddenly nowhere to be seen.

Ser Alliser: I have appointed myself the new Lord Commander, because I have always believed in the NW,  and saved us from ruin. The next step is to lure our brothers out of the room where they protect Lord Snow, kill them, Ser Davos, and Ghost.

The NW: We are with you Lord Commander. Let's get a group together, and take out those 5 or 6 men for being the traitors they are.
Olly showing no remorse for killing Jon
Wow, that didn't take a lot of convincing, but hey, they show up at the headquarters for Team Jon.

Team Jon

Ser Alliser arrives at the door, with bratty Olly and his crew, to make a deal with Team Jon. He tells Davos that they are anointed knights, and he will be allowed to leave the Wall,with food and go south. He can even take Mel with him! The other men, will be welcomed back with open arms.

Ghost protecting Jon's body
Ghost is growling, and Davos, who is no fool, asks for mutton, for his journey south, and does not receive a response. Alliser says that they will return by sunset for their response, to which Davos says fine, because at least now he knows that they are all dead men.

We will go back to the Wall at the end, to visit with Mel and learn her exciting news!


The Boltons
The Sadist Ramsay 
Ramsay is mourning his beloved Myranda, and says that she loved his dogs, just as he does. He says that she was never afraid of him, unlike the Maester, who is standing at the door. Ramsay says that he will avenge her death and tells the Maester to burn her body and feed it to the dogs. 

Ramsay and Lord Bolton

Ramsay and his beloved father, previously known as Lord "traitorous ass" Bolton have a quick chat:

Lord Bolton: Congratulations! You have defeated Lord Stannis, the greatest commander and strategist in all the realm. How do you feel?

Ramsay: Fantastic! I also got to walk around the field after our victory, and kill anyone who was still alive. 

Lord Bolton: I am so glad that you are enjoying your victory, because due to your need to be a sadist and a psychopath, you have lost our most valuable asset: Sansa Stark. Do you realize that I arranged that marriage, so we can fight the Lannisters? 

Ramsay: No, but my best team is on it, so I'll get them back.

Lord Bolton: I hope they find her, because you and your sadistic games, may have cost us the North. Just remember my lady wife is about to give birth, and you may have also have lost your right to be my heir. 
That kid had better be a girl. 
Ramsay just stares at him, because that unborn child is still looming over his head. 

The Fugitives
Sansa and Theon

Sansa and Theon are running through the snow, and survived their landing onto the "snowdrift" after their big jump last season. Theon is remarkably fit for someone who has lost fingers and toes, but he manages to drag Sansa through a river. I have no idea how the actors even stepped into that water. Finally, they get to a mini shelter of roots and leaves beneath a tree. Theon is hugging poor Sansa, trying to keep her warm, although technically they should have already died from hypothermia.

Suddenly we hear the dogs, which means they have been found and Theon tells Sansa to stay hidden in their small shelter. He tells her that she needs to go to the Wall and find Jon, which is a good idea, because everyone uses Jon as their default, when they need to go somewhere safe.

Theon is ready to sacrifice himself for Sansa, and faces the soldiers and the dogs. However, just when we are about to lose hope, Brienne wielding Oathkeeper  comes riding through the woods with Pod, and starts killing the soldiers. She was a total badass, and nothing can beat the power of Valyrian steel (and even more so, since Jon killed the Lieutenant of the Others), and she saves our twosome, with the unlikely help of Pod. Theon even shows that he's still got some of those old skills, and saves Pod from a Bolton soldier.

The Oath

We are treated to a beautiful scene when Brienne lays her sword down for Sansa, and cites the oath that pledges her service to Sansa. Sansa not knowing the words (as why would she) was shaky and helped by Pod, and repeats the words to accept Brienne into her service:  "....I vow that you shall always have a place by my hearth, meat and mead at my table, and I will ask no task that brings you dishonor. I swear by the old gods and the new...Rise"
Sansa has her first loyal knight

Kings Landing

Cersei sits alone, touching her hair and gives the impression that she has been humbled by the walk of shame. She is wearing a dress with brighter colors, which is odd for someone who has supposedly lost power. She hears news that a ship from Dorne has sailed into the harbor, and she runs down, and it was so heartbreaking as you see her smile fade to tears, as she sees the casket.

Cersei and Jaime
Cersei is grief stricken as she and Jaime recall that their mother, was the first dead body they had even seen. She is describing the gruesome process of decay for a body, and Jaime tells her not to think that way about Myrcella, and that she is at peace. Cersei says that she was the only good one, and I always thought the only normal one, (Tommen is a child in the books, but he always seemed less mature then the other boys who were his age, ie. Bran) and recalls the prophecy, which comes out of nowhere for the non book reader, since it has never been repeated, since 5.01. 

She is meant to have three children, who shall have golden hair, and golden shrouds, so this must be fate. Jaime (who I do not think, whether in the book or the show, knows about it), responds that this will never happen to them. He tells her that they will take back everything that has been stolen from them, until they are the only two in the world. I believe that this is a call back to the first season when he says almost the exact same thing, the wording is just changed. 

But I miss Book Jaime, he was so conflicted and my second favorite character in the series. It saddens me greatly, but perhaps he will go to the Riverlands, meet up with Brienne, and I will see shades of the real Jaime again. 

Margaery and the High Sparrow
Margaery is being tortured by listening to a regular reading of The Seven-Pointed Star, and how to atone for her sins, of which HBO Margaery has no clue of , except that she lied at the Inquest. Book Margaery is set up by Cersei as having been sleeping around, brother included, so she knows how and why she was in prison. 

Margaery is not looking good, and begging to see Loras, and the king. The High Sparrow stops by and plays good cop, by telling her that Tommen misses her dreadfully, and that sin has lead her to cheat on him. Margaery says that she has nothing to confess, because she really doesn't, and he says that she has a long way to go before she has atoned for all that sinning. Oh, and she is not going to see Loras, who has been cast on a netflix show, so we'll probably see him for about 15 minutes before they will kill him, which might have already happened in the book. Book Loras is injured when he took Dragonstone and supposedly was doused with boiling oil, and near death. Theories abound, but he may truly die, and even if he doesn't, killing HBO Loras will cause war to break out between the Tyrell's and the Lannisters. 

God help me, could they have just let this go, and move on? Doran could have executed Ellaria, and locked up the SandSnakes. We would have enjoyed a better, more interesting story of having Tyrstane be on the Kings Council. But it was not to be, and we are stuck with this ongoing mess of an amazing story from the books. 
Ellaria and Tyene after killing
Prince Doran & Areo Hotah
Ellaria strolls through the Water Gardens with Doran talking about Oberyn, who the show has dishonored, by making him a liar. Remember "we don't hurt little girls in Dorne"?, and Oberyn planned to fight the Mountain, and lost as a result of his hubris, not because a Lannister jumped into the ring and killed him. Book Doran does know that the people want his brother avenged, but he is in control, because he has an HEIR, and he sends each of the Sand Snakes on a mission. However, Ellaria is helping Doran sit, as Tyene strolls beside Areo Hotah, when Doran receives the letter from Jaime about Myrcella. Ellaria stabs him, and tells him that he is weak, and the people of Dorne are disgusted with both him and Trystane. The guards are on her side, and then we are all treated to the great Areo Hotah, wielder of an axe, who dies from a little knife stuck into him by Tyene. 

Did anyone care where Obara and Lady Nym were? Well, they apparently hopped on the next boat to Kings Landing, and snuck onto Trystane's ship. He was painting one of those creepy eye rocks, when his two cousins show up. Trystane remained amongst the living for less than five minutes, because although he chooses to fight Lady Nym, Obara runs her spear through his face. I am not even going to write down Lady Nym's line, because it was a bad as Tyene's line to Bronn in 5.10.

What's next for Dorne? Do we care? Not really, except if there is someone interesting behind this coup, because I am pretty sure a bastard can't become the ruler of Dorne. 

It's time for the return of one our favorite road shows.


Tyrion and Varys

Tyrion and Varys are taking a stroll through the city, and getting a lay of the land. The streets are deserted, in ruins, as they see more graffiti, which is not showing any love for their Mhysa. I really missed these two, and it was good to listen to Tyrion stretching his legs as the "hand" in Meereen. 

Varys is already investigating who is bankrolling The Sons of the Harpy because they could be getting support from outside Meereen. Who wants Dany out of power? I think there has been a resurgence of the "lets free the slaves and start civil wars tour" folks! Remember how it was a success, but then peace was supposedly made w/Yunkai, and all her freed slaves disappeared? The tour never truly ended, and soon Dany with her crazy face on, and riding Drogon, will burn down Meereen and the rest of Slavers Bay.

We also see a man dressed in red, preaching about the lord of light, to the former? slaves, about remaining free without Dany. Tyrion immediately says it's a problem, as we see someone watching them as they walk past the meeting.
The burning of the Meereenese navy
Tyrion and Varys are distracted from the gathering, when they see people running, and they see the smoke and flames coming from a now destroyed fleet of Meereen.

The Dothraki Sea

Daario and Ser Jorah
Daario and Ser Jorah are riding and discussing how they hope to see a day when Dany will rule the world. Daario comments that she doesn't seem to like it very much, to which my response is, have you met your girlfriend? But whatever, because I think that these two are not long for this world.

Suddenly, Ser Jorah sees the rings of crushed grass from a Dothraki horde, and that coupled with some dead skulls, decide Dany had landed there with Drogon. Ser Jorah finds the ring, and we see that the greyscale is spreading. I am still wondering where they are going with this, as greyscale seems important on the show, yet it is unclear how it spreads, ie. has Jorah infected anyone that he had had physical contact with?


I am glad that the Dothraki are back, as they will be in the books as well. HBO Dany has never seemed as comfortable with the role that she believes is her birthright, as she was with them. Why you may ask? Well, whether she likes it or not, the brutality that we have witnessed as she breezed through Slaver's Bay and conquered Meereen. is not that different, except she has freed slaves, not taken them. It is this act that she believes gives her the right to take these cities, and be called "Mhysa". I also believe, and said on numerous occasions, that it is also sending her down the path to boarding the Targaryen crazy train.

So, Dany is on her way to Vaes Dothrak and she is not a happy camper. It is hot, and dusty, and she should be looking rough, but she doesn't look too bad for walking a long way, and in chains. She is angry, as this is beneath her, as demonstrated by her playing the "I don't understand what you are saying" game.

They drop her off with Khal Moro, whose wives and his crew are there to receive her, and you can see that she's itching to reveal that long list of titles. I will list them now, but as in 5.01, I will never write them again:
Daenarys Stormborn
1. of the House Targaryen
2. The First of Her Name
3. The Unburnt
4. Queen of Meereen
5. Queen of the Andals and First Men
6. Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea
7. Breaker of Chains 
8. Mother of Dragons

We listen to more conversation amongst his men and wives, who are calling her a witch, and they should kill her, amongst other things. I have to say, that I don't understand why they didn't recognize her because she was the only Khaleesi to have white hair, and they all knew Khal Drogo, or of him.

Finally, after we learn that seeing a woman naked for the first time, is one of the top five best things ever for a man, Dany announces her titles. She also informs him that no sex will be happening and she will never bear him or any man a child: "only when the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west, when the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves...."
I listed my titles in Dothraki!
Why aren't I being set free?
The Khal apologizes to her as he was being disrespectful, frees her and states that no one may lie with the widow of a Khal. She informs them that they will be handsomely rewarded if they return her to Meereen. But not so fast  Dany! It might be forbidden to lie with the widow of a Khal, but you have to go live at Dosh Kaleem, the Dothraki convent .

Dany is surprised, because her plan has failed, and until Drogon feels like stopping by, it looks like she's officially just a Widow.



Our girl is blind, and sitting on some steps in Braavos, begging for money. We hear talk of how a member of the Kings Guard was murdered, and we see more than one type of coin dropped in her bowl.  Book Arya is blind for a long time, and she learns how to use her other senses, i.e., touch, so she learns how to identify the coins from other lands by touching them.

The Waif shows up, and Arya actually looks a little relieved, because she most likely thought that this was permanent, and resigned to her fate. She is given the stick, and takes a brutal beating, because she is still someone and not no one. But she seemed to have a little bit of light in her face after the beating, because she knows that she has not been forsaken. Arya is a survivor, and wants  desperately to become a Faceless Man, so she is going to learn how to beat the waif with that goddamn stick.

...and back at the Wall

Alas, she has lost all hope in R'hllor, so what's a girl to do? Go to her old room? One that is nicer than any other room I have ever seen at the Wall? Should I feel sorry of her? No, because she may be despondent, and lost her faith but I can still hear that little girl screaming, and Davos has yet to discover the truth.
The real Melisandre
Mel is defined by her faith, it is who she is, and without it, she is not the powerful, beautiful red priestess. She removes her necklace and her glamour and she reveals her true self; Mel is hundreds of years old! 400 years old, according to D&D, which is very exciting, for so many reasons, one of which is that the Targaryen's were still very much in power.

Number of theories proven: 
1) Melisandre of Asshai is in fact, very, very old.

We did not see Sam or Gilly this week, nor Littlefinger or Lady Olenna, who were last seen in 5.07. Bran returns for 6.02!

That's it folks! See you for 6.02.

*All images and quotes are owned by HBO, "Game of Thrones" 6.01