Monday, May 18, 2015

The Identity of Sansa Stark

I wanted to weigh in on the controversy regarding Sansa Stark. Sansa has a completely different story line in the books, where she has remained in the Vale, and thus a different character. We all know characters have been merged, and story lines changed, to streamline the world of ASOIAF. But this was yet another case of violent acts perpetuated upon a woman, for shock value.

Let's get into it.

 Who is Sansa Stark?

I have never liked Sansa, either in the books, or on the show. I think that she is the weakest of the Stark children, and has never been as resourceful or as clever as Arya. She has been the victim of verbal and physical abuse, and used as the very thing Cersei fought against, as a means to an end. She has never shed that skin, and it was Littlefinger, who began training her to no longer be a victim. He tells HBO Sansa that she must take charge of her own life, and get justice for her family.

However, as previously mentioned HBO Sansa is a combination of another character and storyline. The non book readers are very upset because Sansa had begun to be portrayed as a character who had blossomed under the tutelage of Littlefinger. She has visibly shown her disgust of being around the Bolton's and many believed that this was her chance to avenge her family. She is a STARK, betrothed to the son of The Warden of The North. We just witnessed with Jon and THE OFFER, the power of the Stark name. I loved the idea of Northerners waiting for a Stark to return, and lead a resistance movement to avenge the King of the North. The servant woman gave her a clear message that she would have that chance, and she was reminded of this again, via a message sent by Brienne.

We also have the psycho, known as Myranda. A new and empowered Sansa, could have used Ramsay, and gotten rid of her. She just walked up to Sansa in the courtyard, even touched her, and Sansa, who is a high born lady, did nothing. She should have rejected her offer to bathe her, and called for a servant girl.

I have been disgusted by how this show has used violence against women, and the addition of useless, fake characters, for shock value. But I knew what the writers had done, and I have been loathe to see the violence from the book, portrayed on screen. The character she has "become" so to speak, is the victim of unspeakable abuse, by Book Ramsay, who makes HBO Ramsay seem tame in comparison. So, for me, we are witnessing the mixed up version of Sansa and this character, who is not in the series. The non book reader, without this knowledge, would not only be horrified, but confused, as we watch her regress into a pre-Littlefinger Sansa. Unfortunately, the result of this decision is that we do not know who HBO Sansa is, as she was supposedly the new and empowered Sansa, and it seems that is no longer the case. 

But, there is another side to this coin, and that is also complicated. 

Brothers and Sisters

Jon, Robb, Arya and Bran have/had a path, a destiny, that we know has been carefully playing out in the books and the show.  Ned was executed to begin the War of the Five Kings, which led to Robb becoming King of the North. I cannot say enough as to why this is so important.  The last King bent the knee to Aegon the Conqueror. He was smart, and voted not to burn in a ring of dragon fire, unlike many of the rulers of Westeros.  The North is very large, they believe in the old gods, and is very different from the rest of Westeros. We hear how it is difficult to conquer, and Cersei even referenced it, while discussing it with Littlefinger. We know why and how Robb died, but he took steps to avenge his father, and was made King of the North by his father's bannermen. The act of genocide perpetuated by King Tywin, did devastate the North.  But it also bolstered what remains of it, to want a Stark as King, rather than a Warden of the North. 

We have Arya, who would have fought back, if she had been in Sansa's place. We could say that she would have been killed early on, because as her father said, she was too much like Brandon and Lyanna. We also saw her escape, and immediately kill someone who tried to get in her way. Arya has seen just as much violence, and even more first hand. But in the book the sociopath we grew to love, was born at Harrenhal. We also don't know what Jaqen was doing on that trip to the Wall, and I personally thought that he was there to recruit Arya. She is a warg, and becoming a Faceless Man, and one of the deadliest assassins alive. She is a survivor, who has gained control of her life, by a thirst for vengeance. 

Jon's destiny is way too complicated for this space, but needless to say, he has a great one, be it good or bad, (I vote good) before him.  We think that Rickon is on The Isle of Skygos and we know that Bran is a Greenseer. 

We have yet to be given an inkling, that Sansa has a destiny like her brothers and sisters. Book Sansa is still operating as Alayne, not Sansa Stark. Littlefinger is playing the long game, but is it to become Warden of The North and the Vale, or does he want to sit on the Iron Throne? He has a sick obsession with Sansa due to his love for Cat. Does he want her to be both close to him, and use her as a means to an end? The series is far from over, and we are waiting for the next book, so none of us know how she fits into the bigger picture. 

Will we see an empowered Sansa by 5.10? I don't know, but for now, we will have to endure more violence, until Sansa is able to figure out a way to escape or fight back. 

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