Thursday, April 11, 2013

Game of Thrones 3.01: "Valar Dohaeris"

I know this is late, but just a reminder this blog always has book spoilers. I read all of the books, and decided to recap been the series began on HBO.

I recapped Season One of the Borgias, and every week, I did a dedication, because there was so much crazy going on, I could not help myself.

This episode is dedicated to: Margaery Tyrell

She is only 16 in the book, but she contributes to Cersei's fall into madness due to her paranoia of the Tyrells wealth & power, and the threat they pose to her throne.  I have always loved Anne Boleyn, aka Natalie Dormer, and now Margaery Tyrell, as an excellent choice for the role. Since she is so much younger than Cersei in the book, she is always in the background, so there is no direct confrontation. I loved seeing Margaery helping the orphans with her ladies, giving food and  naturally praising the great King Joffrey. Yet, Margaery is no fool, she tells the woman who runs the orphanage that any requests should be made directly to her.  I also love the bright blue dress, and her "sexy" clothes she wears for dinner with her new family. It is going to be amazing to see the battle of wits so to speak, and watch them  fight for power between two people who seem (but are not) the same age. Bring it on ladies!
The magnificent Natalie Dormer, as Margaery Tyrell, 
sharpening her claws.
I must add the disturbing behavior of Joffrey and how he interacts with Margaery. Any normal young man would have been all over that, and would have been kissing her hand, etc... But King Sociopath, is actually afraid of her (in a sick kind of way) as he cannot have feelings unless they involve some form of sadistic behavior, and  killing people and/or animals for fun. So, he is having some issues with trying to be normal. Plus, he's King, oh wait Tywin is King now.

Bring it on season 3, I can't wait to see Cersei vs.Margaery go down!

Cersei at dinner: I need to shut this down , NOW

The Nights Watch
Now, for the book reader you know that the sounds of battle, are from  the Fist, where the NW is being obliterated by the Others and the wights. Oh, and Sam did send off the damn ravens. The way they set this story up, we last saw him hiding behind a rock being passed by an Other; really passed. So unless he ran to the Fist, found the ravens, and forgot to send them off, ahead of the Others, and fought in the battle, then Lord Mormont can't be angry. So a big whatever to that one...

Run Sam, run!!! 
Don't forget running through snow is also a great workout. 
So our Sam finally sees a body through the blizzard and yells out to his brother, but alas it is no brother; it's a wight waiting to have him join the army.

Brother is that you? 

No, it's a wight, come to kill you, but wait! 
It's GHOST? WTF is he doing there?
Well, luckily for Sam, Ghost got lost hunting, and saved his ass. Please Ghost, return to Jon Snow where you belong, okay? *

Then we see what is left of the NW, looking beaten and bloody, when Lord Mormont utters the first words of the season to foreshadow the battle of the dark vs. the light/ ice vs. fire:

"We need to get back to the wall, we know what's out there, we have to warn them. It's going to be a long walk."*

The first most boring part of the episode, and where I almost fell asleep, was Sansa, being her usual foolish, shallow self. She is playing a game with Shae, who is officially her Hand Maiden. Oh wait, she does say that "the truth is either terrible, or boring" to Shea, when they are playing some silly game about where the ships in the sea are going. I am not even going to discuss Shea and Roz, but remember Varys has recruited Roz as a one of his "little birds".

Shae is actually very protective of Sansa at this point, and it is part of an excellent setup for future events.  Sansa has some conversation with Baelish, where as usual she is unable to think for herself, and just wants him to get her out of Kings Landing. People are wondering why Baelish is engaging Sansa, and it is because she looks exactly like a young Cat. You cannot see that in the series, but it is the reason he wants her to go away with him; you know "a second chance", ick.

I know that I am a bit harsh with Sansa, but I have always felt her to be the weakest of the Stark children. Joffrey is a monster, and beats her, and in fact did strip her naked in that scene after her brother begins winning battles. She is afraid of him, as she should be, and repeats her schtick like a robot "I love my beloved Joffrey, I have traitors blood,blah, blah.".  But out of all the Starks, she is the least resourceful, and still lives in this fantasy world, which is what makes her so foolish. She is not as smart as Arya, yet Arya does have a big mouth, that if she had remained at Kings Landing might have sent her to an early grave. She is impulsive, and I can't remember if it was in Season 1, or just in the books, but Ned tells her to  watch her mouth, as they are in a dangerous place. He reminds her that being so impulsive is what killed Brandon and Lyanna. But as we saw, Arya escaped Kings Landing, with the help of Yoren, but I think in the books she ran out on her own before finding the NW. She watches Ned's death from afar, as it is told from her perspective.

Robb Stark
Well the second most boring part, was sadly, the sexy Robb Stark. I do not remember Harrenhall being quite that gruesome, and I do not remember him stopping there. I thought it had been given to Roose Bolton, and that Robb went straight to Riverrun, and then had his mother locked up there as well. But she was also spending time with her dying father.

Naturally, we also have to see him with his annoying wife, whose name I cannot remember, tyring to find someone alive, but oh and wait is that Qyburn?! Note to King of the North: you are a babe, but being with your wife while she's doing, whatever she does, makes you look weak. You should be locking your mother up! And, most importantly, chatting with Roose Bolton and Karstark about finding the Kingslayer.  Who, PS,  I cannot wait to see his story grow this season and the next. I really fell in love with him after this book.

We are also starting to see some cracks in the King Robb's campaign. His mother really screwed him, and apparently they haven't seen battle in a while. Robb is becoming a combination of being eager for battle, and battle weary, if that makes any sense.

I hate Harrenhall! There was no battle and my people 
are dead all around me.
And where is my boring wife? 
Wait, did someone lock up mother?
Jon Snow
Jon is back! No more whining, he finally is beginning to be the awesomeness that is Jon Snow, and I love him and Ygritte. They are already adorable together. I also liked Tormund Giantsbane! Yeah! He is not as big as he was described in the books; but I will let that slide. I love it when Jon says one of my favorite quotes to Tormund:

"My father told me big men, fall as quickly as little men with swords in their backs."* Nice. 

Anyway, Ygritte is taking Jon to see Mance, and on the way he gets a few stones thrown at him. I don't think he saw a giant on the way, but the non book readers loved it, and many book readers as well. Personally, I can only think of the giants we meet in ADWD, with Jon. 

Tormund eating a big piece of meat, 
when Jon calls him your Grace
Everyone has a good laugh, after poor Jon kneels to the wrong man. Suddenly, Mance makes an appearance, and it's Julius Caesar! OMG, I forgot he was playing Mance! He is a fantastic actor, but I hate the fact that they did not keep the parts of Mance, that made him so unique.  Mance was not a large man, but he was like a Bard, and sang beautiful songs upon his lyre. He was doing just that, when Jon enters his "cave", which is why Jon did not think that he was the famed "King Beyond the Wall".   But alas, we will see Mance in the way, most likely non-book readers would prefer as it would probably be too confusing.

Anyway, Jon was actually quite good with his behavior and explanation as to why he killed the Half-Hand and wanted to be "free". I liked his attitude and words much better in this scene, than in the book.

Mance knows that he is Ned Stark's Bastard, as everyone seems to know all about him, and throws in the comment about how Ygritte digs him. They do not hook-up until many POV's later, so it looks like they are going to speed things up.   

Mance starts giving our Jon, the third degree about why is he there? Why was he with the Half-Hand? We all know Jon is different, special, even though he has felt the shame of being a bastard; especially by Lady Catelyn. Yet, Lord Mormont, and even Mance seems to feel it a bit; Jon is a leader, but he just doesn't know it yet or for who. Plus he's kind of missing his other 1/2, you know Ghost? So that could be a problem as well.  

Irregardless, their little convo keeps going on, and Mance mentions that he is a traitor, and says: "If I'm a traitor, than you are too.", and when asked why he left the NW, he gives the weak lie about that he wants to be free. But as we know our boy learns quickly, and he used half truths to convince, or try to anyway, that Mance should save his life. So my boy says this: 

"We stopped at Craster's keep on the way north, and I saw Craster leave his own baby boy in the woods. And I saw who took it. When I told the Lord Commander, he already knew. ( we know that this was a truth, as it opened his eyes). 1000 years ago the First Men defeated the WhiteWalkers, I want to fight for the side who fights for the living, did I come to the right place?"*

Well done writers for having Jon use the moment that he saw Craster give the baby boy to the Other, and the Lord Commander's knowledge of it  as a betrayal. However, it does not take away from the fact, that what has become my favorite quote from BSG which I use all the time "sometimes doing the right thing, is not the smart thing".

Jon Snow: learning that the world is not just good vs.evil 

Kings Landing
"The Clash of KIngs" was the rise of Tyrion, and "A Storm of Swords" is the story of his demise, but only to begin his resurrection in ADWD. I will say it now and forever: Tyrion will be King. Dany will never be Queen, no matter how many dragons she has, or flies, she will never cross the Narrow Sea. NEVER.

We begin with Tyrion in this crappy room, taking a look at his face, when he hears a knock! He looks through the peep hole, and it is his beloved sister, Cersei. She just needs to know what he is going to tell father! For someone who seems to enjoy torturing Tyrion, trying to kill him, and blames him for the death of their mother, she is certainly nervous when he needs to speak w/Daddy T. Why you may ask? Well, in the end, Cersei knows that she is still a woman, and if Daddy T. thinks she has created a craven sociopath for a king, or a strategic match is needed, she will be shipped out to be Princess or Queen, to yet another man. Too bad Jaime isn't coming back anytime soon, but Daddy T did not know about their incest, but for some reason, I thought their mother caught them in the act. Personally, I think Tywin is no fool, and he knows those kids are not Robert's offspring. But he doesn't care, as all he cares about is power and ruling the world.

She does her usual blah, blah, and eventually leaves, just when Bronn has arrived and about to brawl with the Kings Guard. They go for a nice walk, and Bronn says he needs more money, and Tyrion was just like," isn't what I pay you enough? Bronn is just like "well what are you paying me now? I want to double it.". Tyrion is just like "I don't know what I pay you", and Bronn "That is exactly my point." Bronn and Tyrion are so awesome together, as they do not have this type of relationship in the book.

So Tyrion goes and meets with his father to ask for Casterly Rock, as it is his by right. Tywin begins the meeting by insulting Tyrion, and saying that all Tyrion had been doing was whoring and hanging w/Bronn, when we know that he was actually plotting and scheming to ensure the safety of Kings Landing. We also go through the whole thing about how he killed his mother, etc...One of the saddest things about Tyrion is that in another universe, if it had been Jaime sitting there, he would have been praised, received laurels for saving the castle, and perhaps even remained Hand of the King. But in this one, it is not true, and Jaime has no desire to rule or be part of the games at court.

He then says horrendous things to Tyrion; and how he would rather be eaten by maggots before he would give him Casterly Rock. He also adds kind and loving words, that include the fact that Tyrion is a stain upon his name, and how he wishes that he could prove that he is not his son.  He also makes remarks about Tyrion's physical appearance which are book Tyrion, not HBO Tyrion. However, Peter Dinklage plays him so well, that as he walks out from this painful meeting, you can actually see the anger begin to show in his eyes.

Holy awesomeness!
Dragonstone as seen by Davos
This part of the show is actually almost identical to the book. The disparity is that he is thrown directly into a cell, as his pirate buddy turns him in, after he speaks treason about Melisandre. We know she is a total wack job, with albeit, temporary control over Stannis. 

This was a very interesting scene, as Stannis actually looks kind of sexy. He does not even turn around to look at Davos when he is brought to him. However he does turn his head slightly to the right, when Davos begins to speak.

Looking sexy! Depression suits Stannis

Poor Davos, is raving about how Melisandre is his enemy, and doing things that if he had not been starving, mourning his son, and laying on a rock for who knows how long, he most likely would never have said. He even tries to kill her, which Melisandre goads him into doing:

"Death by fire is the purest form of death" 
That's right you psycho.
Stannis is looking his usual stoic self, but you can see a slight inkling that he does not like what Melisandre is doing to Davos. Remember out of all his men. Stannis had enormous respect for Davos, as he was always frank with him. But he still has him sent to cozy cell down below. At least he did not start putting together the funeral pyre, right?

Taking a step back: remember last season, after the loss of BlackWater bay, he was showing more emotion than we have ever seen, and we do not see it in the book as he is not a POV. He was ashamed how he had killed his own brother so he could be King, and was a broken man. Remember how he had to be dragged away from the battle, as he had truly thought he was going to win and be King. Naturally, Melisandre uses this moment, as a way to manipulate him into seeing that he could still become King. He looks like he's been hypnotized as she shows him, what I think is, that he will win the battle of the dark vs. the light. 

Stannis is just done, and just lets Melisandre do whatever she wants, as I do not think that he wants to make any big decisions. So, he lets her burn the people who did not die for him. I think that w/out Melisandre, Stannis would still have punished those who he felt betrayed him by running away, but he would not have put them to the fires. 

Continuing on...Stannis actually gets up and walks to the ever so cool balcony,and orders Davos be taken down to the cells. 
Oh, is that Melisandre & Davos back there? 
Just send him to the cells, 
as he just tried to kill my new Hand to the King: Melisandre
Finally, I would like to say to our dear Melisandre, would you have been able to fight off dragonfire if you had been at the battle? Like you were going to win the battle w/out ships? Oh, and naturally it is Davos fault that she was not there, and also that his son died. Wait, I forgot that "death by fire is the purest form of death", I would love to see how pure it would be if you were on that pyre. 

Dany is on her ship watching the dragons start being able to feed on their own, as they grow larger. They always highlight the dark one, Drogon, as he is the most dangerous, and is the first one that she starts to lose control of as they grow larger. It was a cool scene, but when she is petting that dragon, it looks like she is beginning to love the idea of burning some people up: 
Look familiar? mmm. see below. 
Perhaps she is a bit less grey, but the crazy is starting to set in...
Dany after eating the heart of a horse, 
and watching her brother die**

We also have a quick view of the Dothraki who are very seasick, as the Dothraki fear the sea. When we next see them, they are inspecting an army called the "Unsullied", who are eunuchs, and basically robots, except they are human.

 "The Unsullied"
The man who is selling the Unsullied to Dany and Jorah, speaks in High Valyrian (if I remember correctly), and is constantly insulting both Dany and Jorah. Dany understands every word that he says, even though they have a translator, (this is book info), so we will see the fruits of this future transaction come in episode 3.

Dany & Co. chatting about the prowess of the Unsullied
I really enjoy Dany and Jorah together, and I think that they have great chemistry. Some actresses have great chemistry with men, who are about 20 or 30 years their senior, and I love it. OT: I saw the same in Katie McGrath, when she played Morgana on BBC's Merlin. She had amazing chemistry with Uther Pendragon, who I personally thought was in love with her, and vice versa, and he was also about 20 or 30 years her senior.

Anyway, they are walking and chatting about the Unsullied, while being followed by Obi-Wen Kenobi, aka Ser Barristan the Bold!

Ser Barristan as Obi-Wan Kenobi

It was a good thing that he was stalking them, because apparently those of the House of the Undying are trying to kill Dany. Yet they are disguised a little girl, who plays with a ball that carries a killer magical insect:

Pyatt Pree, disguised as a little girl
The Assasssin: killed by Ser Barristan

However, although Dany is saved, and Ser Barristan pledges to be a member of her Queensguard, Ser Jorah is not a happy camper. He tries to plant a seed of mistrust, by telling Dany that he was part of Robert Baratheon's Kingsguard. But Dany was very happy to have a new member to the team:

Ser Barristan the Bold, member of Dany's QueensGuard

See you for 3.02!

**Images and quotes,  courtesy of HBO "Game of Thrones" 3.01
* HBO, 1.1 "Game of Thrones"

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